Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back to Basics

Facebook: The average young person's life.

Lets FACE it. You love Facebook. It is your entire social life. Either that, or you're the old lady with the five cats or the "family" guy who only has one to keep in touch with your loved ones halfway around the country. If you don't have a Facebook, then you've obviously been living under a rock for the past 5 years, or you're extremely weird.

 In any case, I have to say, I've been extremely obsessive over facebook lately. I've been checking my account ever 4 hours or so a day, and becoming a little OCD over what's in my bio or how many pages I've liked. And I know, you're probably saying, "Who is this creep? Can't she just learn to get a life?" And don't get me wrong, I totally get your point, but I mean, what else is there to do when you're out of school during summer vacation with no car, no job, and no one around. Lame, I know.

But here's my point: Don't you get at least a little excited when you check your account and you have, lets say, 11 notifications, a message, and 3 friend requests? And even though your friend requests may be from "Snooki", "DJ Pauly D", or "Chang Lee" from Indonesia, or your creepy pedophile neighbor just down the street, you can't help but be a little excited that someone took the time to go to your page and click the "request friend" button. Even if they used the friend finder machine, they still saw your picture, and all of your mutual friends, they still decided you were worthy (or they were worthy) enough for you to become 'facebook pals' even though the only contact you'll probably have is the liking of statuses. 
Same goes with messages and notifications. You might get the occasional "Yo. Wuz up hot Tee?" from that creepy guito dude, hell, maybe even an awkward chat box conversation! But whatever. At least they thought you were hot enough to "chat up".

But I mean, What is that? Like, does any thought go through their miniscule little brains that says, "Hey, I don't know this chick, so maybe I should actually know something more than her first name, what bands she likes, and who her fake siblings are". Because lets face it, we've all gotten our fair share of, "How old are you?" and you say "Why?" and they say, "I just wanted to see how old you were to see if we could start talking." I mean, did it ever occur to them that maybe that was a mutual decision? That they don't get to make that decision by themselves, because hell, there is another person involved in the equation here. And doesn't it cross their mind that maybe, just maybe they're coming off just a liiittle bit creepy. Nope. Its all completely normal apparently.

Well, not sure where this was originally going, I think I'm going to hit the sack now. As a guito or wangster would say, "Keep it fresh, keep it real." (SO lame.)

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